Nitrogen Purging & Leak Testing

We provide a range of nitrogen services including nitrogen purging and nitrogen/ helium (N2/He) leak testing to production installations and pipelines offshore and to petrochemical, LNG, refining, power generation, and process plants onshore.
• Our scope of work includes; purging during shut down and maintenance programs, leak testing of new process plant and systems, system shut down, maintenance or modification. We also test run and start-up of compressors ‘live simulation’ and
commissioning of pipelines.
• We are one of the leading companies for the provision of nitrogen helium testing and our fleet, which includes nitrogen converters, single skids, split skids, pumps, tanks, testing equipment, vaporizers, and other ancillary equipment, is one of the newest and largest in the industry.
• All equipment is certified for both onshore and offshore operations and with the significant investment, we have made in technology we believe reliability is our real differentiator, reducing the risk of breakdown during critical path operations.
• We supply latest technology handheld leak detection equipment which does not require A60 cabins (freeing up valuable deck space), reduces personnel
requirements, improves safety and reduces cost and time without impacting on quality. Traditional mass spectrometers can be also be supplied depending on
the requirement.